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            Revitalise - Lift - Define


Dermal filler products provide a smooth, long-lasting correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. They can instantly soften tell-tale aging lines or improve your looks by enhancing your natural features. They can restore volume, improve skin elasticity, and smooth niggling lines and imperfections.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring chemical found in your skin and using it in your treatment leaves you with beautiful, natural looking results that last for up to a year.

As we age, the skin becomes less hydrated and less plump and, with gravity also at work, pulling at the skin causing it to age, we experience damage to the skin. The environment and smoking can also contribute to fine lines and wrinkles as the hyaluronic acid content of our skin decreases.

Dermal fillers that contain the hyaluronic acid are a popular choice to help these changes because they can help improve and slow down the signs of ageing and rehydrate the skin tissue. Treatment is quick, convenient and results can be seen straight away.

Collagen is a natural protein that is the main constituent of skin, bones, muscles and ligaments. Over time, our collagen cells which provide the structural support, resilience and shape to the skin, reduce in number which causes the skin to lose elasticity allowing fine lines and wrinkles to develop. Collagen Replacement Therapy using dermal fillers makes it possible to temporarily suspend and even reverse the signs of ageing. Following treatment, wrinkles are markedly and visibly reduced and lines in the skin, repaired. The suppleness, elasticity, and tone of the skin is naturally restored, with immediately visible results.

Benefits of Dermal Filler

Dermal fillers can temporarily restore lost volume, giving your skin a smoother and younger appearance. Dermal fillers reduce wrinkles, correct creases, folds, and scars. This treatment can be used to fill minor to moderate lines and wrinkles and is especially effective around the eyes, nose, and mouth. They also add contour definition to the face and mouth. Dermal fillers use hyaluronic acid (which is naturally found in the body) and the results can be seen for up to six to eighteen months after a treatment depending on the product used, making this a cost-effective procedure.  Dermal Filler treatments offer patients a wide range of benefits, including a more youthful appearance.


When used as a lip enhancement product, it can lend volume and definition to lips, producing a sensual and more pronounced pout. The treatment can be tailored to your needs providing a natural look. The treatment is non-invasive with virtually no recovery time necessary; you can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.  The treatment is non-permanent and it will naturally break down over time.  Prior to treatment, a topical anesthetic cream is applied.


During and after the treatment 

Prior to any dermal filler treatment, a mild anesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area for your comfort. The dermal filler is then injected into the skin beneath the wrinkle with a very fine needle. It takes 20-40 minutes depending on the number of lines and wrinkles treated.  


As a general rule, avoid applying make-up over the treated area. You should also avoid hot baths, showers, saunas and strenuous exercise, as well as alcohol, for four to six hours post treatment. It is common for the treated area to appear slightly red and swollen, discomfort, tenderness after treatment. Very occasionally there may be slight bruising but ice packs can help with this. This is the same as you would expect after any injection and is temporary and generally disappears few days to two weeks after. After the treatment, you can go straight back to your daily routine and a follow-up appointment is given in two weeks time after the treatment.  


A great advantage of dermal filler treatments is that they are long-lasting, but not permanent, which gives you the option to reassess your needs, once the initial effects have worn off.


The result and how long the treatment last 

The results of dermal filler treatments are seen immediately, although it can take a day or so for swelling to subside and the full results of your treatment to be seen are at its best 2 weeks post treatment.  Depending on the product used and each client and their individual metabolism.  Generally, the results last for six- eighteen months on average. A follow up is provided in two weeks time to see how you are getting on and whether you need to have some more filler injected to achieve the optimum result.  A great advantage of dermal filler treatments is that they are long-lasting, but not permanent, which gives you the option to reassess your needs, once the initial effects have worn off.


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