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​Wrinkles Treatments


Excessive Sweat


Teeth Grinding

Wrinkle Treatments

Everlasting & Natural Beauty! Refresh yo

Anti-wrinkle injection using Botulinum Toxin Type A relax muscles by temporarily blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscle.


This is a quick, safe and simple procedure that can be used to smooth out those lines and wrinkles on the frown between the eyebrows, forehead lines, crows feet, bunny lines, as well as many other lower face areas giving you a more relaxed and youthful appearance.


It is also used in the treatment for Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and Bruxism (teeth grinding). This is a prescription medicine and should be considered a medical procedure and carried out by a qualified medical professional.

What can be treated


Wrinkles result from a combination of many factors. It’s not just about cellular changes that can occur over time, reduction of collagen or damage caused by free radicals in the sun and the environment.  When you frown or concentrate, the muscles between your brows contract, causing your skin to furrow and fold. When you squint, the muscles around your eyes contract and cause crow’s feet. The treatment known is ideal for easing overactive muscle movement that can cause deep frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet.  It can also be used to reduce excess perspiration 'Hyperhidrosis' and more recently to alleviate the symptoms of migraines. This product was originally used to treat eye spasms and central nervous system disorders. 


After the treatment, the skin appears smoother, the facial lines disappear or diminish dramatically in just a few days and your normal activities can be resumed immediately.

During and after the treatment


The procedure only takes about 15 minutes. The treatment is non-invasive and there's just a little discomfort. The area to be treated is cleaned and, then using an extremely fine needle, the product is administered. A full consultation and pre-wrinkle treatment photographs are always taken. Your skin may be slightly red around the Botox treated area immediately after the procedure and, occasionally, slight bruising can occur. 


No alcohol can be consumed on treatment day, avoid tilting your head forwards for a few hours afterward, do not rub or massage the area, avoid hot baths, showers or saunas and do not exercise for 24 hours. If you have any temporary discomfort,  you can just take ordinary painkillers to alleviate it. 


You can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment. It is safe to fly after the treatment although we generally recommend that you wait 48 hours before flying long haul.

The results and the limitations of treatment


Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles already formed, by relaxing muscles, restoring a more youthful appearance.


The full effects are seen about 7-14 days after the treatment. The skin appears dramatically smoother, the facial lines disappear or diminish dramatically in just a few days and the creation of more wrinkles is prevented.


The natural looking smoother wrinkle-free skin lasts for 4-6 months.


Anti-wrinkle injections are best at treating dynamic facial lines i.e. those caused by facial muscular activity. This treatment does not improve wrinkles due to ageing and sun-damage which are unrelated to facial muscle activity.


Facial muscles that are larger (such as in men) or which are used by facially ‘expressive’ clients may require more frequent treatments.  After several treatments, the effects may last longer.



Treatment is best avoided on women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have any diseases, involving nerve damage or muscle weakness, line & wrinkle treatments are not recommended.  It is also important to let your practitioner know if there is a family history of such diseases - for example, Myasthenia Gravis or if you have previously suffered from Bell's Palsy. Patients who are currently being treated withaminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, neomycin) or spectinomycin (trobicin) should wait until they have completed their course of treatment, and anyone who has had an allergic reaction to human albumin should not have line & wrinkle treatments.


You must ensure that your practitioner is aware of any medications you are taking, especially aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, neomycin) and spectinomycin (trobicin), aspirin, anti-inflammatories, Gingko Biloba and St John’s Wort.   In addition, you should advise your practitioner if you are allergic to any of the ingredients of Botox or you have a skin infection at the planned injection site. 


Prior to your treatment, the practitioner will assess your risk of this event and therefore adjust your treatment accordingly.



Side Effects


Occasionally a small bruise may occur at the injection site – this can be covered with make-up. In very rare circumstances patients may experience heaviness or descent of the eyebrow or eyelid which may last a few weeks.


A small area of redness at treatment site lasting 2-3 hours (common); bruising / swelling of the treatment area (less common); dull heavy sensation +/- an occasional headache (less common); ptosis (droop) of eyebrow or eyelid (rare).

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